May 2018 Burger Night Menu

Here on Barstow’s Longview Farm, we raise about 550 animals for dairy. But we also raise 20 steers each year for our Barstow’s Farm Raised Beef! The beef – ground, patties, steaks, and roasts, is exclusively sold at Barstow’s Dairy Store and Bakery and can be found in our freezer section.  Burgers are not on … Read more

Eat the Season | April

Eating what is in season throughout the year can better connect you to your home and community.  When you eat what is being harvested locally, your food is travelling fewer miles, you are supporting your neighborhood farmers, and you are enjoying nutritious and varied foods throughout the seasons. #EatTheSeason and enjoy the season at Barstow’s … Read more

Every Day is Earth Day

Every day is Earth Day on a dairy farm! Like most dairy farmers in this country, we live in the place that we work.  That means each morning we greet our day, walking from our back step, into our dairy barns.  We care for our animals and land, providing wholesome, nutritious, safe, and sustainable food … Read more

Grow the Goodwin

10% of your purchase on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at Barstow’s goes to Grow the Goodwin, Hadley’s Public Library! In 2017 the Trustees of the Goodwin Memorial Library applied for and received a highly competitive state grant for $3.9 million to build an expanded, fully accessible library.  $3.8 million in additional funding was approved by … Read more

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